Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Skip To Day Three

So on day two we had fun but I forgot my camera. A little bit of running around....then we spent the afternoon at the pool.....then the kids had TKD.
Now let's jump to today. We went to a free movie this a.m. NightAttheMseum. Very Funny.
After the movie we grabbed a quick lunch out and then the boys had french class. Then....we went to the pool...a different pool....the best one yet.
During a break in water play they played hot potato on the deck.
Then back in the pool.


And on a final and unrelated note......A got new p.j.s.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Gotta' Try the Boat

First order of busines....get her on the boat.....and driving.

The water was a little rough but they still all jumped in for a bit.
Did I day they all?? I meant almost all......

Saturday, June 26, 2010

up until now

The other day the boys found a baby bird hopping around learning to fly. They asked our friend to catch it for them so they could see it.....and she did!! Then we let it go so it wouldn't get too stressed.
Other friends of ours are going away for the summer so we had a coffee with them before they left town.
And look who's here!!! We are having an impromptu visit from Kllie. We are borrowing her until her parents come down to get her.
And a couple of cute kids.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Monday Review

The kids are working on a measuring unit right now. We have been talking about measuring with non-standard units. So we all measured the same things but A used a cut-out of his own 'foot' and E used a cut-out of his 'foot' and I used an actual one foot ruler. It was good for them to see why we need a common measuring unit.
Grandma was pushed into service to be measured. She was 10 of A's feet, 7 of E's feet and 5 1/2 ruler feet.

The boys wanted their g.p.'s for couch time yesterday.

A fellow home-schooler told me about a reading program at the library where the kids get to read to dogs. It is supposed to encourage reluctant readers. My boys aren't reluctant but they do love dogs so we signed up to do a session. They LOVED it.

And then we zipped over to the pool to have a little cool off time. It has been 32-33 degrees here all week.

We had arranged to meet friends there so that was even more fun!

They were nice enough to lend me a baby to play with in the pool.
We were busy today.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

First things first....Father's Day.

After church....a waterpark.

Of course it gets hot so they've got to have some ice cream.

Goofin' in the pool.
Daddy and his boys.
And now we're tired so we're watching some StrWars.

lovin' those night cruises

Riding the waves.

Friday, June 18, 2010

The boys had TKD tonight.

And M had the boat ready to go when we got home. Perfect for a night cruise.

oh ya....and E got a haircut today.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Here's A in his new StrWrs helmet.

We were stuck in the rain the other day while shopping. I hid under a gazebo but the boys ran in the rain.

We ducked into BrnesnNbl for a minute to dry off.

Here's us on the way home from dinner tonight.....the weather was PERFECT.

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas