Monday, December 26, 2016

Oh Christmas

A sleep-in and present opening made for a lazy morning before we headed out to Almonte.
The table looked beautiful .....

... and then it looked full of people and food. Ha-ha.
Granny had an evening of fun activities planned and we were all giggling

There was a rousing game of charades. We had so much fun I can't remember who won!
K was a great sport and let the boys decorate her as a Christmas tree.
She has a lot of patience for her nephews!!

And the performers of the group had has laughing with their prepared skit.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Friday, December 23, 2016

Oops-Catch Up Post

Here's the thing about years when Christmas is on the weekend ...
... it can feel like it's not Christmas until BOOM ... it's Christmas!!
A rink in the backyard? Good idea.
A rink in someone else's backyard. Great idea!!!
Charlie has completed his training sessions. More work at home is required.
See what happens if I try to sleep through morning walk??

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

If the Benny is turned up then the dealer's team are automatically the makers....huh?

I don't think GrandpaT knew what he was getting himself into when he offered to teach us how to play euchre. 
The rules for this game are absolutely random! 
M and A were in stitches watching Ern and I learn the game.
Thank you for being a patient teacher GrandpaT.
Today was M's eye surgery. So next time you see him .... no glasses.

Week 15 Dec12-16
Writing- Describing
GrammarFigures of Speech
Math- Conversions (Metric)
History- Samurai
Science- Fungi

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Hello Daddio

Hello Grandpa!
These two have had four games now.
2 to Grandpa. 2 to Adm.

Monday, December 05, 2016

O Christmas Tree

It seemed like we might have a little trouble motivating the boys to decorate.
But once they saw the treasures coming out of storage - they were into it.
Voila! Brfoot Christmas has begun.

Dec5-9 Week 14
Writing- Writing Descriptions
Math- Dividing Decimals
History- England
Science- Fungi
Skills of the Wild

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Rules Schmules

Just another day living the dream!
You know ... hanging out with the boy at a new gym place.
But then on the way out the parents were given a copy of the rules of the gym.

Monday, November 28, 2016

New Things

Somehow I neglected to teach my children how to start the dishwasher. 
Until now. Now they know. 
 And M is away; poor guy. 
Week 13 Nov28-Dec2
Writing- Alliteration
Math- Decimal Word Problems
History- 1st Kings of England
Science- Nutritional Chemistry Lab

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Phone Pictures

Found some good pics on my phone today. 
Nothing better than a mid-day cuddle. 
"Go stand by Ern", I said. Guess I should have been clear I was expecting him to face the camera. Goof. 
After dinner and a game of Racko Ern joined me at Charlie's training class. 
Good job Charlie. 
These are from the Potluck lunch we had at church a couple of weeks ago. 
Why the cowboy hat? 
I was trying to represent Alberta. 

School Pics

This year's school pictures for E have already arrived but I still haven't taken A's picture.
So far .... this is what I've got.
This is just a gratuitous shot of the big kid.

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas