Wednesday, August 27, 2014

All Work and No Play

We did school work on Monday and Tuesday.
They were starting to look a little pale ... a little 'caged in'.
So we went to a super cool place and did some super cool stuff.
 It was so relaxing we completely (almost) forgot the car was at the shop.

Sunday, August 24, 2014


It seems that nature conspired to give us one more great day of summer.
And there's nowhere better to 'do' summer than at the beach.
Actually, maybe on a boat is just as good.

Looks like two thumbs up from these guys. They vote boat.
M continued his life long quest to spread a love of boats to everyone he meets.
 Pretty cool day. Hey, did I say cool?
Yup. It was cool. Days of rain and no sun makes lakes very chilly.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Almost Done

It seems that the weather and the calendar agree ... summer is almost over.

We snuck in a park day on Wednesday when the sun came out for a few hours.
A little pizza in the park. Always delicious.

It's the end of summer2014.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


It's hard with pictures to capture just exactly what I'm trying to. It would be helpful if I could add a soundtrack. For this one you'd have to imagine "it's mine" ... giggle... "no it's mine" ... haha... "no, it's mine" ... laugh laugh laugh. And on and on.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Wake, Play, Repeat

I've been told there's no bad day for boating.
Though I would suggest Saturday might have been right on the line .... raining and cold.
We did get to see a pretty cool island ... and some interesting fungus.
As for the rest of our time. It's pretty much-wake, play, repeat.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Strike With Style

There is just something cool about bowling shoes.
It seems everyone has their own way of attacking the lanes.

They were all the same in the way they cheered each other on.
Had to snap a picture when there were three kids with strikes on the board in one round!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Cracking Myself Up

So the kids were at Granny & Grandad's from Friday until Sunday.
If you want to see what they were up to check the link here.
Meanwhile .... I was preparing something special for the kids at the house.
You see, emptying the recycling from under the island is their job.
So as M and I did some work around the house it started to fill up. And fill up. And then it was basically full. And I did consider emptying it .... but then I thought ....
"Or, I could keep piling and stuffing and wait until they get home to do it."
So that's what I did.
And when E opened the cabinet and it all tumbled out .... I laughed and laughed.
You know it's the little things that really make a weekend great.

Thursday, August 07, 2014

If At First You Don't Succeed

If at first you don't succeed at the family balance routine ...... try again.
You'll get it.
If at first you don't succeed at getting the right accent chair .... keep shopping.
It's out there somewhere.
If at first you don't succeed in taking a group picture of four boys .... give up. 
 It's just never going to happen.

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas