Friday, August 18, 2006

A update

We just arrived home from the hospital with A. He swallowed a penny yesterday afternoon and it became stuck in his esophagus. He had to have surgery last night to have it remove(general anesthetic and then they reached in with a grabber thingy and yanked it out). His throat is sore but otherwise he is fine. They released us this a.m. after we saw the ear nose and throat specialist again........Poor baby.
E spent the night at Granny's and now doesn't want to come home....silly boy!!! We'll go pick him up after we've had a nap and a wash......


Anonymous said...

Poor Adam,

We are glad to see he is doing fine...He will grow up to become a banker or an investor...

Lots of doggy kisses

Chase, Tango and Java

Anonymous said...

We are so pleased that Adams`big adventure turned out well with not too much damage.
He is now partnered wit his grandad Peter who gave us some anxious hours waiting to hear the `klink`in the `potty`.
Love to all Nan and Grampy

BarefootBeat said...

It seems like just about everybody has swallowed a coin at some point.....

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas