Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Looking Back

I am now passed my years of baby raising(barring any major changes of opinion around here in the next year or so). My youngest is past his second birthday. I was thinking about the significance of this yesterday and started reminiscing about all things past. I decided that there were definitely some lessons learned, some previously held beliefs changed and some challenges I never expected. Here's what I've done as a parent so far.

1. I've taken kids to museums from here to Winnipeg.
2. I've travelled by bus, train, plane, ferry and car with two kids(mostly by myself)
3. I've gone DAYS without sleeping more than 45 minutes at a time.
4. I've grown out of and into at least four sizes of clothing in the last 4 years.(not counting maternity clothes)
5. I've researched toys and baby accessories until my eyes are sore.
6. I have told my kids that if they yell in the grocery store one more time that the mean security guard will come and give them a time-out.
7. I've been yelled at by a stranger in a car passing by who was upset my kid was out without any socks.
8. I've taken umpteen pictures of cute kids.
9. I've said, 'Seriously I mean it....stop!' more times that I care to acknowledge.
10. I have sucked on soothers that have fallen and deemed them clean enough to use again.
11. I've stopped carrying disinfectant wipes in my purse and just let the kids eat their snacks at the park with dirty hands. I do still carry diapers in my purse though.
12. I have hidden in the kitchen pretending that I'm still cooking dinner so I can finish reading a magazine article.
13. I've undertaken serious negotiations with my husband and agreed to things I won't repeat here to avoid getting up in the morning on the weekends.
14. I have told people, in all homesty, that my children are in fact the most wonderful children that ever were born.
15. I believed that I would never love a second baby as much as dear E.
16. I was proven wrong wrong wrong when A was born and I grew another heart just for him.
17. I have wished that I had had my kids when I was younger, older, and that their ages were closer together and further apart depending on the day and my mood.
18. I have said "I love you" umpteen zillion times.........


The Allen Family said...

Good List ..... Good Mother
Soon you can add... Celebrate His First Day of School.

Anonymous said...

I thought this was beautiful of Eric and his dear friend I. Pictures are wonderful as they hold our memories in a special place for us to go back to when the years have passed us by. I am sure this will be a favorite for Eric, holding fond memories of his dear friend I. God bless, love mom/nana

Anonymous said...

Johanna-- your list made me chuckle out loud to myself, and also made my eyes a little glossy (ie. when you said you grew another heart just for your second baby). I want you to know I think you're an amazing mom. --Meg

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas