Friday, February 01, 2008

I Kid You Not

This a.m. I'm getting ready to start my day when E tells me that needs to do something different with his clothes to impress the girls in his class. (Seriously!!! He's 4 1/2) When I asked him about it he told me that there is a girl in his class who decides who looks good each day and she hasn't picked him yet. Usually she gives specific praise for example, 'nice dress' or ' I like your Spdrmn shirt'. So he had quite a time deciding this a.m. what might impress this little girl. The pic below is what he decided on. He really wants a Valntines Shirt to wear but he doesn't have one---he thought that would work for sure though. tee hee hee

My other little Neurotic Nelly has decided that he wants to go to school. He has been walking around in his backpack all a.m. He makes me walk him to school(really my room) and then sits on my bed until he decides it has been a long enough school day and then comes home. What a cutie pie. Maybe I should find him a two morning a week preschool.


Jenn said...

Well, I am impressed. I think E looks great. A sure is a cutie too.

Anonymous said...

What two cutie pies. They are both so adorable. I think you did a great job on your outfit for the day Eric John. As for little Adam, school will come soon enough sweetheart. These are the best days of your life, enjoy. You folks certainly keep busy out there. What a super mom you are Johanna.

Love to all, blessings.


Anonymous said...

Man alive that is too cute. Both of them.

How are you able to keep a straight face?


Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas