Friday, January 23, 2009


Ok. Not that I'm tooting my own horn here, but we had the most incredible meatballs for dinner this evening. Made from scratch and assisted by the boys, they turned out great and apparently are the second best meatballs the boys have ever had. (They came in close behind Granny's apparently). Anyway, there is a picture included. Funny story, I asked E to help and add a little bit more bread crumbs. He said sure and then emptied the entire container on top of the meat pile. Now that's a spicy (read dry) meat-a-ball! With a little digging we managed to save the recipe and they turned out great. After dinner, the boys decided that tonight would be movie night. (They are allowed a movie night on the weekend if they complete a full week's worth of chores). So....what goes better with a guy's movie night than freshly baked homemade fudge brownies and milk shooters? Nothing apparently, just look at those smiles. I think they were cheering "Hoorah for Mr. Mom!" Have a good weekend all.


The Allen Family said...

Milk straight up with chocolate fudge brownies!!!

And this years "Best Daddy ever" goes to .... You.
Thanks for taking this week off M so that we could have J here with us .... I love you.

Anonymous said...

Don't do TOO good a job. I'd like to feel that I'm needed for something around there.
P.S. I miss my babies.

DOOR said...

These are great memories, a week with dad never hurt anyone! what a tremendous Family the Barefoots are to pith in when needed and even make it FUN! love Auntie DeeDee

DOOR said...

meant to say PITCH IN......

Jenn said...

Love the milk shooters. Looks like you are all having a lot of fun.

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas