Thursday, May 10, 2012

Work, Work, Work

Just because it's GrnnySchool doesn't mean there's no work to be done.
Further to our work on habitats and adaptations, the boys produced posters today. They were to choose an animal, research it's habitat keeping in mind food source and climate and then draw it.
E learned that there is more than one kind of seal in the polar bears habitat. But, that penguins do not belong!

A focused on a small frog (love the googly eyes). He looks right at home.
Thanks for working with the boys today Grnny.

When I was growing up the mother of my best friend had a wall in their house covered in pictures of my friend. I thought it was awesome. I've decided to start the tradition in my home.
They L-O-V-E it. And so do I.

Thanks for the idea Dina.


nana said...

Who wouldn't want those faces on their wall...I have them all over my fridge as I am sure most in the family have the same.

Go grammy adults we teach the children but they also have a lot to teach us as I am sure you are quite aware of.

Love to all.

Anonymous said...

i remember the photo wall too. the boys like it now, but please remember that when they are teenagers to take it down. i still remember bringing a date home and having that wall up with my braces and bad 80's hair to look at.

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas