Friday, July 12, 2013

Jousting Anyone?

It was our 1st Annual visit to the Osgoode Medieval Festival.
There were horseshoes and iron works.
There was a great archery demonstration.
When there was the opportunity to ride a horse A was first in line.
Seriously, he was actually the first kid in the line.
For E it was a more difficult decision but in the end he got up and rode.
There was an opportunity for us all to try our hands at juggling.
Some of us were better at this than others.
There was discipline ..... old school style.
And one of our favourites was this great man, Bear the Tinker, who handmakes bows and arrows.
He was very enthusiastic about his craft and was happy to show the kids the proper stance.
It made an impression on the kids that many of the people working/volunteering there were incredibly knowledgeable about their personal interest.
I think it is important for kids to see adults passionate about their hobbies.
There was also the chance for us all to see ..... for the first time ever ..... a jousting competition.
Their faces today went back and forth from smiles to wonderment.

But if I had to pick a 'picture of the day' this would be it.
I present .......
The Barefoot Knights

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Looks like it was a great day. Love all the different things they got to try.

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas