It's about time I got this information on here. Usually I'm a little more on the ball. This school year we are trying a couple of different things.
Note that E's activities are green. A's activities are blue. Joint activities are orange.
For one, our math program. This is the first year we have used
Mammoth Math. For the first couple of weeks I wasn't really loving it. But I have to admit I'm seeing the value now ... and the kids seem to like it.
We are in our final year of four using
Story of the World. Last year I had them try a method of note-taking that didn't require a timeline and I didn't feel they got as much out of it as previous years. So they're back to time-lining.
I am pleasantly surprised at how much they are enjoying the first of the book studies.
The Bronze Bow has captured their imaginations. We've been using the trampoline for our story space but it's getting pretty chilly out there now so we'll have to move it inside.
The boys are doing a co-op class currently covering topics in Canadian Prehistory and the Human Body. Their history project involves researching and writing on various aspects of a First Nations group. E is doing the Haida and A is doing the Iroquois.
For their Human Body class they need to create a project board presentation about one of the five senses. E is doing hearing and A is doing smell.
As a result of the time required for their co-op classes and the book study we are doing we haven't done much in their Language books. But we'll get to it.
Our first unit study is Journalism. I have included the lesson by lesson break down for that unit. The final project will include a small newspaper/newsletter from each of the kids and also a short(!) newscast on video. When those are completed I'll put them up here. They should be done around the end of October.
They are enjoying their new piano teacher. They love their Kung Fu class. We'll see how Conversational French goes as this week will be their first class.
I think that just about covers it.