Not Christmas break yet. We're working away on our genetics unit.
Today the boys used coins to act as the decider for which alleles would be passed along if two bunnies (with Hh genes) were to mate.
Their answers allowed them to 'build' a bunny with distinct phenotypes.
I love these quiet nights.
I used to play this game when I was a kid and loved it so when I saw it at a second hand store I grabbed it.
It's kind of like .... multi-player 'Guess Who' .... but you ask questions from the cards.
We couldn't figure out why A was struggling to deduce our characters.
Then we discovered that it appears he has some gaps in his cultural learning.
He had the waiter one turn and knew that it was described as Oriental.
So, in his mind, the other two characters in this picture were also Oriental..... because they're all the same colour of course.
These three?
They're all white. Because .... their skin is white.