Introducing the Brft Chicks.
Front row: Mr. Puff
Back Row from left: Blop, Shadow, Jonny Canuck, Peckington
Grade 4-Science(Life Systems)
3.1 demonstrate an understanding of habitats as areas that provide plants and animals with the necessities of life
Grade 9/10/11-Food&Culture
1.4 explain how food-acquisition practices vary among people who live in rural and urban environments (e.g., in rural areas, people may grow some of their own food, keep poultry for eggs and/or meat, hunt for seasonal game; in urban areas, people have access to large grocery stores and may have access to food products from a variety of cultures, local farmers' markets, and community gardens)
Week 31 April27-May1
Unit Study-
History-Unit27 Spain(Civil War)
Ma- E-Integers/Co-ordinates A-Measuring Angles
Extra Curricular
Kung Fu
SHEP (co-op)
Youth Group