Thursday, March 29, 2007

The week is almost over.....

Well we had a sighting of our friendly neighbourhood bunny this week. We have named him Bun-Bun and put out carrots and celery for him regularly.
E with his friend I at the park this afternoon. A was there too as was R and K but are not pictured.

I have been getting NOTHING done here at the house because now that the weather is nice we are spending all our time outside. It was 8 degrees here this afternoon :-)
It's all I can do to get them to get dressed and eat before going outside to play. I am right along side them and would prefer to spend all our time outside. I'm not sure when I'll do all the cleaning and the laundry and the cooking......I guess there's always the winter for all that! The house of course won't be getting as dirty because we'll never be in it!! Poor M is frustrated because he can't get ahold of us when we are outside all day. Yahoo spring is here....summer is coming and then there's glorious fall after that!!!!!


Jenn said...

Looks like you have had a great week. I too am planning on being outside a lot more now. YEAH for Spring!!

The Allen Family said...

Your new camera takes great pictures..... look at that rabbit!
I think the express on E's face as he flashes by on his bike says it all.

Anonymous said...

Go girl go!!! I don't blame you, I and everyone else (I am sure) have that same spring fever and want to go running out the door. I just can't wait to get digging in my yard and planting once again. The boys are looking great, love the pictures and Bun Bun is adorable. Love nana

Lip Gloss and Band-Aids said...

Outside is the only place to be after the winter we had!
O and his daddy play outside most of the day.
As for the work inside, when they are off to college you can get all that done, lots of time then
luv yah

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas