Saturday, September 06, 2008


E is becoming quite the artist and has great attention to detail. This is A eating lunch on Friday. We played this game where he turned over numbers and I gave him that many pieces of what was offered for lunch. For example, he got 9 carrots and 2 graham crackers and 4 M'nMs and 3 peanuts. He loved it.

We had quite a rainy day on Sat so the boys took to the floor to draw.

The rainy day aftermath on the family room. This is A talking to Grnny.
P.S. We saw that new 3D movie about little flies that go to the moon. It was good, really scary parts for my two. Although they ate WAY TOO MUCH popcorn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A rainy day! It is about time you had some kind of bad weather. You must share some of that sunshine with us. It has been cold and wet here for too long in the Peg.

Artist! This could very well be. Their dad was quite the artist when he was a little guy. As a matter of fact I do believe he thought that life was headed in that direction for him. That was until his teacher told him that an artist's life can be a struggle and to succeed one has to be exceptional. Wow that was a blow to his ego and mine.I have to admit I dreamed along with the boys. Doesn't every parent!!!!

An artist your dad is not but what he has become is a gift to us all.

Love and kisses coming your way.

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas