Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Mmmy School

I decided that this year I will keep A home from pre-school and have one year for just the two of us. Next year he will be in pre-k and then off to school so this is our last hurrah. I have to say he does like having mommy to himself. We are using some time each day to do some mommy school. We started during E's kindergarten orientation and have picked it up now that E's back to school. I have an abundance of materials so I just pull from those each day.

This is A posing with his letter 'I' inchworm craft--we later raced these around the table. And his cutting activity (from a Kumon book).

Then we did some shape work (from a fisher-prce workbook) and then story time. You'll notice he has a 'bat and ball' with him during story time. Well I came to discover while talking about diamond shapes that A did not know how baseball was played. (He asked me where the nets went in the game!) So we had an impromptu baseball game in the living room. He loved it!!
And of course later we played hockey in the living room.


Jenn said...

Wow, busy busy. I am sure A loves mommy school. It looks like a lot of fun. I love the hockey pose.

Anonymous said...

Delightful!!! Having this time together is a blessing for the both of you. One on one with mom - there is nothing like it at this age. I so remember those days with M&J. I loved every minute of it as I am sure you do Johanna. I agree with Jenn, Adam has the pose and the moves. Love the smile!

Love mom

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas