Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Brag Brag

E received his report card today. They only were given marks on social type things and he did very well.....although apparently he talks a lot.....who knew?? hahaha
Anyway, they also gave me a copy of his Fall of Kindrgrtn testing. It's hard to see on this picture but he totally rocked the test. I have typed the test results below.

Test Scores
The benchmark scores are what they expect the average kindergarten student to score during the October testing.
Group Rhyme-----------------10 out of 10------(benchmark score 5)
Group Beginning Sound-------10 out of 10------(benchmark score 5)
Lower-Case Alphabet---------24 out of 26------(benchmark score 12)
Letter Sounds-----------------25 out of 26------(benchmark score 4)
Spelling-----------------------18 out of 20-------(benchmark score 2)
Concept of Word-Pointing-----4 out of 4---------(benchmark score 2)
Concept of Word-Word ID-----7 out of 8---------(benchmark score 2)
Concept of Word-Word List----9 out of 10-------(benchmark score 0)
Summed Score----------------96 out of 102-----(benchmark score 28)
That's right....he's super smart!


Anonymous said...

Personally. I think it's all the homeschooling you've done that none of you realized you were doing.

Jenn said...

I am at a loss for words. Amazing E.

Anonymous said...

Nana's are never surprised by their grandchildren!!!

They are always amazing boys her her eyes.

Loved all the pics. You all look wonderful!

Love mom/nana

The Allen Family said...

genius –noun,
Pronunciation [jee-nee-ahy]
an exceptional natural capacity of intellect, especially as shown in creative and original work in science, art, music, etc.: the genius of Mozart.

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas