Anyway, they also gave me a copy of his Fall of Kindrgrtn testing. It's hard to see on this picture but he totally rocked the test. I have typed the test results below.
Test Scores
The benchmark scores are what they expect the average kindergarten student to score during the October testing.
Group Rhyme-----------------10 out of 10------(benchmark score 5)
Group Beginning Sound-------10 out of 10------(benchmark score 5)
Lower-Case Alphabet---------24 out of 26------(benchmark score 12)
Letter Sounds-----------------25 out of 26------(benchmark score 4)
Spelling-----------------------18 out of 20-------(benchmark score 2)
Concept of Word-Pointing-----4 out of 4---------(benchmark score 2)
Concept of Word-Word ID-----7 out of 8---------(benchmark score 2)
Concept of Word-Word List----9 out of 10-------(benchmark score 0)
Summed Score----------------96 out of 102-----(benchmark score 28)
That's right....he's super smart!
Personally. I think it's all the homeschooling you've done that none of you realized you were doing.
I am at a loss for words. Amazing E.
Nana's are never surprised by their grandchildren!!!
They are always amazing boys her her eyes.
Loved all the pics. You all look wonderful!
Love mom/nana
genius –noun,
Pronunciation [jee-nee-ahy]
an exceptional natural capacity of intellect, especially as shown in creative and original work in science, art, music, etc.: the genius of Mozart.
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