The next day it was SO hot. We went up to Baltmre to see some ships(daddy's idea).
We went on an old sailing ship and also a coast guard ship. (The last surviving ship that was present when PearlHarbour was attacked.)
To get out of the heat we then went over to the aquarium for a while.
They have a great exhibit on right now about jellyfish.
The boys asked us if they could have a `day off`. So today they have done nothing but become reacquainted with their toys. They didn`t even change out of their p.j.`s all day!!!
Field trips are fun, but I'm with the boys, once in a while ya gotta stay in your jammies til bed!
Ditto Krista...
I've got to go visit that ship from Pearl Harbor...I was a cadet in the Coast Guard Academy for 2 years. Sailed their training ship, the USCGC Eagle along the Northeastern States and then made a long sail to England. I did get sea sick, but it was worth it.
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