Saturday, August 22, 2009

Home At Last

Lucky us...daddy is at home until Monday. One nice day of sunshiny weather was enjoyed.

The next day it was SO hot. We went up to Baltmre to see some ships(daddy's idea).

We went on an old sailing ship and also a coast guard ship. (The last surviving ship that was present when PearlHarbour was attacked.)

To get out of the heat we then went over to the aquarium for a while.

They have a great exhibit on right now about jellyfish.

The boys asked us if they could have a `day off`. So today they have done nothing but become reacquainted with their toys. They didn`t even change out of their p.j.`s all day!!!


Anonymous said...

Field trips are fun, but I'm with the boys, once in a while ya gotta stay in your jammies til bed!


In Pursuit of His Call said...

Ditto Krista...

I've got to go visit that ship from Pearl Harbor...I was a cadet in the Coast Guard Academy for 2 years. Sailed their training ship, the USCGC Eagle along the Northeastern States and then made a long sail to England. I did get sea sick, but it was worth it.

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas