Total Travel Distance??
In kilometres: 5172
In miles: 3214
Ten Tidbits of Our Trip
- I had one great idea: Let's go back to Canada for a trip.
- Lucky me met two new babies born since I left last year.
- We were travelling for three weeks.
- Our travels involved four flights. (Coincidentally also the number of pounds I gained.)
- There were five grandparents we saw on this trip.
- In total we slept in six different beds.
- They were lucky enough to reconnect with seven of the kids friends.
- We ate at McD's eight times. (Not that I'm complaining)
- E reeled in nine fish on our fishing trip. (Updated:July23/2014. E claims a haul of 15 fish. Grandpa has 'confirmed' this number.)
- We saw ten deer on our way back from swimming to the trailer.
1 comment:
You may find this funny but I sometimes have a hard time looking at your blog. You do so many fun things with your family that I find I can be quite jealous. Stupid, I know. I have a good life. Yours just has a way of looking more exciting. Don't mind me. Keep having fun. It's refreshing to see a family so enjoy themselves
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