Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Total Travel Distance??

In kilometres: 5172

In miles: 3214

Ten Tidbits of Our Trip
  1. I had one great idea: Let's go back to Canada for a trip.
  2. Lucky me met two new babies born since I left last year.
  3. We were travelling for three weeks.
  4. Our travels involved four flights. (Coincidentally also the number of pounds I gained.)
  5. There were five grandparents we saw on this trip.
  6. In total we slept in six different beds.
  7. They were lucky enough to reconnect with seven of the kids friends.
  8. We ate at McD's eight times. (Not that I'm complaining)
  9. E reeled in nine fish on our fishing trip. (Updated:July23/2014. E claims a haul of 15 fish. Grandpa has 'confirmed' this number.)
  10. We saw ten deer on our way back from swimming to the trailer.

1 comment:

3livingstones said...

You may find this funny but I sometimes have a hard time looking at your blog. You do so many fun things with your family that I find I can be quite jealous. Stupid, I know. I have a good life. Yours just has a way of looking more exciting. Don't mind me. Keep having fun. It's refreshing to see a family so enjoy themselves

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas