Thursday, September 03, 2009

What I Need

According to a book I have been reading this is what people need to teach their own children:

They have to like them, enjoy their company, their physical presence, their energy, foolishness, and passion. They have to enjoy all their questions, and enjoy equally trying to answer those questions. They have to think of their children as friends, indeed very close friends, have to feel happier when near and miss them when they are away. They have to trust them as people, respect their fragile dignity, treat them with courtesy, take them seriously. They have to feel in their own hearts some of their children's wonder, curiousity, and excitement about the world. And they have to have enough confidence in themselves, skepticism about experts, and willingness to be different from most people, to take on themselves the responsibility for their children's learning.

A few short days until E and I begin our homeschool journey.


Jenn said...

Your children have all this and more. You and M are amazing parents. And you have fantastics boys.

Y said...

What made you decide to homeschool? I know that you will be great at it. You already are homeschooling your children from what I'm seeing on your blog. Can't wait to see the adventure unfold.

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas