1. Most of you know that I have been playing with the idea for some time. And that I had a very hard time sending E to kindergarten...we didn't have very good attendance that year:) I really enjoy spending time with my kids. I miss them when they are gone and they are growing up so fast.
2. I trained to be a teacher and have spent time in the public school system and I believe that I can do as good a job as they can educating my kids. (I didn't feel that E progressed as he should have in his class last year.) There is also a HUGE American History component in the curriculum here. Academically speaking I could go on and on but I'll spare you.
3. E didn't like school. He was fine once he got there but he hadn't truly learned to enjoy spending a big part of his day away from home. He also likes to be master of his own schedule and spending 7 hours a day at school was cramping his style. A likes to be where his brother is.
4. As far as socializing the kids....they seem to enjoy more the time they have with kids when we get together in small groups to play. And I schedule a lot of playdates! Socializing at school is limited to recess and after-school because E's school is very strict about behaviours. (He once got a consequence for talking at lunch.)
5. A major factor also was the lack of french instruction here. I would love for the kids to enter the immersion program when we return to Canada. Providing tutoring after a long school day was not going to work, they were too tired. By homeschooling we can focus on french every day and also have a tutor come in two hours a week to work with them.
6. I am also able to include religious studies with the kids here at home. I want them to be well equipped to be in the world without being of the world.
These are the major reasons. I have no idea if it is going to be successful. We have committed to trying it for now. I'll keep updating on our successes and trials as we go along.
There was a scary Halloween mannequin that talked in the craft store and it scared A.
Little guinea pig photo shoot.
I commend you for doing this. You know what are your sons' strengths and weaknesses are and can work on those. Also, in every photo you have posted on your blog, you make your outings fun-ucational and I think that can be better than booking learning. You are doing what you think is best for your boys and no one can take that away from you.
This is a beautiful detailed account of what you and the boys are going to attempt to do. I know it is going to work because your foundation in life is build on solid ground with the Lord. When that exists... what do we have to worry about...our days are ordered by the Lord. Even in our failed attempts we have victory knowing in everything there is a lesson from above.
Our eyes are the mirror to our souls....I see to very loved and happy boys in these pictures this morning....they are blessed to have you as parents.
Love to all.
All I can say is, congratulations on your decision to homeschool the boys! It's an adventure you and the boys will treasure always.
You have made the right decision for the right reasons.
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