Tuesday, July 03, 2012


There has been some time for NERF battles.

And kite flying.

Sometimes we just hang out inside.

Sometimes the boys do one thing and the girls do something different.

There's always this sweet dog around.

There was a river hike adventure.

This guy, naturally, found a frog.

Guess who else went on the adventure? Yup, the dog.

Looking for wildlife.

We have had beautiful days for visiting and for biking.

Their yard is a great size for horseshoes.

Today the four boys went off on another adventure.

Oh my.

Lots of fun.

1 comment:

mom/nana said...

Oh my goodness...never a dull moment in Bognor. I love the pics, they are wonderful. I laughted out loud when I saw Max...he looks a little out of sorts!!!! Like... what have I got myself into here?? And soon I am going to have one of these little people living in my own home....permanently!!!! Am I up to this!!!! So funny!

Lots of love...mom/nana

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas