Thursday, July 19, 2012

Is this normal??

The year for me is measured in School Time. So in the summer I often will take a look at our finances and programs in preparation for the next 'year'. And since we are record keepers I can pull out numbers from previous years and see how things are evolving.
It was really surprising to me to see how much of a cost change there has been as the kids have been growing up.
Can you imagine what it will be in another five years? When they are 11 and 13? Or when they are 16 and 18?


Anonymous said...

WOW......are these for real? I can only imagine just how difficult it is and will be for those who are just making ends meet. I have read some reports about the cost of University in 15 years......Unbelievable!!! Well our boys are getting the BEST education in a great loving environment...To you and Michael, keep up the good work...Love GPeter

Mama Bear said...

Wow! I should do this for ours. I am afraid I don't keep good enough records, though. But now I am curious...

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas