Saturday, March 30, 2013


We may be away but it can't all be play. I brought some school work with us. And even though they didn't have the guinea pigs to keep them company they did have the dog.
Here the boys are getting reacquainted with their girl cousin.
JandL have introduced us to a new card game called Phase10. Good fun. Little BabyV hangs out with the rest of the family.
Babies aren't usually A's thing but he's enamored with V.

And he isn't the only one. The big guys are pretty taken with her too.
A surprise to us all was how nice the weather was yesterday. We all got outside for a while. 
Liz was considerably more productive than I was.
This is the view out their back door. Wonderful.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


We were able to purchase a second hand ipad for the house.
Adding another tool to our homeschool toolbox.
Not that they're doing school in this picture mind you.
It seems like this guy has suddenly grown taller and more grown up looking.
The other day I was looking for him in a crowd of kids and couldn't find him..... then I realized that it was because I was looking for someone shorter!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

He Had Me at Composition

There's a LEGO sale at Chapters this month and we have been, as E said to the cashier, "taking advantage of that opportunity". But I had finally put my foot down and said, 'no more'.
Of course that was when E decided that M needed the new fire truck set.
But I stuck to my
And then he used my achilles heel--school.
He approached me yesterday with a proposition. If he wrote an 11 sentence persuasive composition detailing why M should have the LEGO set.....would I buy it?
In his own time...on the weekend...he did all the steps I had taught him without any reminders....and wrote it. And so I bought it.
Before bed A and I cracked open the junior scrabble game.
This kid loves games.....and I love playing with him. Especially when he plays my favourite game of all....Scrabble.

Cars, Hockey and Home Reno

Saturday was race day for E's CubCar. It is something taken very seriously by his group.
His car is the green one with the black stripe. They have all kinds of tools available for on site modifications to improve the speed between races.
Unaware of how seriously this was taken we were unprepared last year and he didn't win a single race. This year.....with planning and painting.....he won many of his races.
Then we zipped over to CousinD's last game of the year to cheer him on.
Then grabbed some fries with all the boys.
And just in case you thought it was all fun and no work....nope....somebody was working.
Grandad went to town on our basement landing's ugly lino floor.

Friday, March 22, 2013


I posted on Monday night....blinked....and now it's Friday. Whoops.
We were active this week.
School, chiropractor appointment, doctors, time with Granny, Co-Op, choir and friends.
We've been using the wall under the pass through to work through our learning on Greek Gods and Goddesses. Trying to track the 'family tree' and the relationships. Showing how the Greeks saw the world and how they explained their universe.
The idea for this unit came from A and we're all loving it!!
Here's something else...or rather someone else....we all love.

Monday, March 18, 2013

And They're Off

The day started off like all our Mondays do.....
a little bit of school (with a g.p. for company of course) and then swim class.
But today was also Beaver Buggy race night. In the first picture he's the buggy on the right.
In the second picture he's in the middle track.
Luckily A was surrounded by good friends because he needed the support.
His Beaver Buggy was s-l-o-w...glacially. And he was not happy.
There's always next year buddy.
I'm not going to give any details about this guy's race success because today was only practice for the big Cub Car race this coming Saturday. I'll be sure to update you then.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sundays Rock

 The apple fell pretty close to the family tree.
Nana welcomes visitors to church......and 2000km away......E took on the same task.
Handsome looking fellows aren't they?
And if I'm willing to put in the time....I can get a great 'together' pic.
And lucky for us....we got a Mr&Mrs pic also.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


This was the reason we all treked out to the hockey game.
CousinA was playing on the big ice this afternoon. Very cool.
E was in his glory. He had friends on one side and a cousin on the other,
hockey happening and a snack in hand. Bliss.
As I sat down to write this blog I asked M to send his pics of the afternoon with A. No pics.
A was at a birthday party so he missed hockey.
So....I just snuck into his room and took his picture before he was fully asleep....haha.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Word on the street is that E is having a great time.
And the info on him is that, he has"..impeccable manners, [a] crazy cool sense of humour...and very quick wit!
Gee thanks AuntieDreen.
And don't worry about A....we had him covered. He spent some time with Grnny on Wednesday during the day and then we went to a movie that night.
Today he asked for a swimming activity and we did that too.

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas