Just a couple of pictures of the kids working transitional phrases/words into their writing.
I put these into a bowl while they started writing a story on a topic of their choosing.
Every five minutes or so they had to randomly choose a slip of paper and include it in their writing.
Tom the Turtle
Tom was a turtle. He lived in a nicepond with mossy rocks, tall grass around and lots of minnows to eat!! One day Tom was resting in a clump of seawedd when nearby, he saw a frog struggling because his leg was stuck under a rock. Tom then swam over to see if he could help. Tom asked the frog "What's your name?"
The frog said"Scott".
"Okay Scott can I help? I'm Tom by the way" said Tom.
"At this instant not really" said Scott. "Only thing I could think of is you could pull off this rock I'm under"
"Hhhhmmmmmmmmm" thought Tom "No that's too heavy." But at the same time, a water snale came slithering towards them. Tom saw it and turned around to face it. "Good thing I'm a snapper" Tom muttered to himself.
"What!!!!!!" Scott yelled "He's gonna eat me!!! He's gonna eat me!!!!!" Scott bellowed.
Meanwhile, Tom was battling it out with the snake. He was snapping and slapping that snake around. After a few minutes the snake swam away. What Tom didn't notice was the fifty frogs coming his way.
Scott yelled "Finally! You frogs are here"
"You know these frogs? Tom said.
"Yyyyyup" said Scott.
The fifty frogs then helped Tom pick up the rock and help Scott back to his home.
The End
Iron Man vs. Electro
Iron Man whizzed by the Baxter Building right on Electron's tail. Thanks to his Mark 6 Armour he can fly by buildings even faster. Nearby, Electro is getting ready to land where he can put his evil scheme to action. He lands right on top of the Oscorp Tower where he puts the AED. with the rest of the machine. At this instant, a big black shape comes out of the shadows. Venom. The big machine starts humming.
Then, Electro starts explaining, "This is a Phantom Beam strong enough to make the whole heli-carrier explode."
--(At the same time, Venom infiltrates the Oscorp Building.)--
"Well", said Iron Man, "you will have to take me down first!"
"Too bad you're too late. While I was talking the Photon Canon was charging up and now {{Click}} the countdown has started" said Electro.
With this in mind, Iron Man jumps in front of the canon and when Venom goes to push him out of the way {{BOOM}} Venom is down with his weakness ...[Electricity].
Two blasts from Iron Man's arm blasters and Electro is down for the count.
The End