Monday, September 08, 2008


Pre-lesson photo

The boys started swimming lessons this afternoon for the first time. They are in the same class and M and I both went to watch the first lesson. There were no cameras allowed in the pool area so you'll just have to take my word for it that the following is true.

4:05-class starts-teacher introduces herself
4:10-teacher says"Let's get in the water"-E starts to cry- A looks confused
4:15-boys get in water-E sobbing-A looks confused
4:25-after getting ears wet children are instructed to blow bubbles-E laughing-A sobbing
4:30-E laughing and smiling while splashing in water-A sobbing to the point of gagging
4:35-class is over-E skips off to changeroom-A drags his emotionally spent body and puffy eyes to the changeroom.

Post-Lesson Photo

Better luck next week.


Jenn said...

Lets hope the next lesson goes better. They look so grown up.

Ian said...

Again with the Leaf tank top...I'm gonna have to have a chat with this boy when I come down there...remind him of his roots!

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas