Thursday, June 30, 2011

Catch Up Pics

The messiness of the van had reached epic proportions. Here is the stufff we took out of it so we could vacuum.

E has taken an interest in rollerblading. We had a hand-me-down pair(thanks K) so he has been practicing this week.

They were cracking me up with their animal impersonations at the mall play area.

Saw an awesome sushi place in the mall. Had to try it. The boys had pb&j rolled up + rice+veggies+fruit. I had seaweed salad with squid. SO GOOD!

We had dinner with friends outside at a great pizzeria. I have been teaching the kids how to do cat's cradle.

This last pic of me cracks me up. I have a friend, you know who you are, who once commented that in all the pics of me I seem to have my mouth wide open. This one's for you E.
Hope your move back from far away goes well.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Funny Story

So the other day M told me that he was going to see DnAkryd when he went to the embassy the following week.
So I said, "uh, that poor guy." Thinking, why would parents with the same last name as the actor be so cruel as to name their child D-a-n?
M heard me say, "uh, that poor guy." And thought, weird....I wonder what she has been reading in the news....maybe DnAkryd has fallen upon hard times?
Fast forward to yesterday when M came home from work all excited about having met DnAkryd. The actual DnAkryd.
So I said, "but I thought..." and he said, "oooh, so that's why you said....."
Yup....twelve years of marriage....communication still not clear.
In my defence, this meet and greet was arranged by an embassy staffer named StevMartn.....and I'm pretty sure he is not the actual StevMartn. Right, M?

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lots of Pics

Here they are. Ready for adventure. After church and lunch that is.
Lunch. Notice how A is always sitting beside M. And here's E with his Sunday school craft.

Then we decided to go to Dora Kelly Nature Park.
(I like this pic of me)
We found a great downed tree that A wanted to walk across. He tried and tried.

In the end....only I made it all the way across.

M took this great picture of the boys.

He also took this one of me....another pic of me that I like. (I don't normally like pics of myself)

Their favourite part was mucking around in the creek. They told me later they were trying to build a dam.

Yesterday A looked me straight in the eye and in a very solemn tone told me he wants to be like daddy. And so he copies daddy. Whatever he does or says. It's like having two daddies around, only one is short. Today M climbed up a rock to have a look. And a few minutes later there was A...asking me to take his picture too.

And then the fun was over and we had to come home to make dinner and get ready for our week.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Plans Change

We were thinking that we would drive to Baltimore today and go to FortMcHenry. But we only got halfway there and the traffic made us turn around. (We stopped for lunch before heading back.)

So we decided instead to go for a bike ride.

We ended up at a place called GravellyPnt.

We had a little rest before heading back to the house.

Though A is doing great on his own bike this excursion was a bit long for him to do solo.

The boys were t-i-r-e-d from all that riding. I guess 10miles/16km is far when your legs are short.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


My two cute kids.

They got water balloons for their birthday.

Oh ya. Lots of fun.

When I thought the fun was over I went in to start dinner. That's when I heard squeals of laughter. Looking out the window I saw the boys...with the hose....filling their boots...and their pants. Oh ya. Lots of fun.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Loving to Homeschool

So one advantage to homeschooling is you can start your day with blowing bubbles.

And the next day, you can start your day with a bike ride. Get some lemonade at a café.

And sit and watch the Amtrak train go by.

On your way to the grocery store to buy a hairy coconut, you might even get to see animal control pull a possum out of a window well. We did. I wish we had a picture of it but it was so exciting I forgot to take out my camera.

Monday, June 20, 2011

The End of Bday Week, Really

Today was the birthday party for the boys.

For many a month now they have wanted to have a party at ChuckECheese.

Their wish came true!

They, and ten of their friends, had an afternoon party.

That meant I got to visit with my friends too.

Look at that handsome happy face.

Everything is more fun with friends.

Even cake is better with friends.

Lots of friends.

I doubt they could think of anything else to wish for!

Presents are pretty cool too....thanks friends.

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas