Saturday, December 20, 2008


I have some video of E at his school sing-a-long but I'm not going to post it. He looks very unhappy in the video and then later in the day he puked at school. He doesn't appear to be sick, I think the excitement of the day was too much to handle. Later in the day he seemed much better.....and made himself a reindeer outfit(well I made the antlers and he made the nose).

Then my other cutie got in on the action as a reindeer....even his little puppy friend became a reindeer for a while. Mrry Christmas.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Love the pictures or your reindeer. They are very cute. E looks so grown up at his school concert.

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas