Sunday, August 30, 2009


I have always been surprised that M and I, two totally average looking people, created these adorable creatures. Though as time goes by it becomes more evident that they did get some of our genes. E has become focused on getting his hair to lay down flat. Very flat. And A, well I think the picture is self-explanatory. Orange shirt, red swimsuit, high blue socks, mismatched shoes....and he did the mismatched shoe thing on purpose.

This is A helping me make dinner. M and I had bacon and cheese quiche and the kids had scrambled eggs, bacon, cheese and nuts. All the elements of our meal but not mixed together.

We had a quiet time this afternoon and A chose to have his nap inside this tunnel that we have. We found him in there with his stuffed animal. So sweet.


Me said...

A's fashion sense cracks me up and reminds me of a little girl who was just like him... I won't mention her name but it starts with the letter J and ends with A.

BarefootBeat said...

Does it rhyme with banana?

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas