Sunday, February 12, 2012

It was this guy's birthday today. Love you babe. You're more handsome every year.

We wanted to take M somewhere he wanted to eat for lunch so we went for Lebanese food.
Just for the record....hummus and pita=yummy.......pickled turnip=gross.

We joined some other hockey enthusiasts for a great game this afternoon after lunch.
(This was our 2nd game of the day because E played at 10a.m.)

Then we dropped by G2K's for an early dinner.

And a surprise birthday cake that the boys had worked on with Grnny on Saturday.

Big day. Time for a bubble bath.
E-Not division! It's my week off.
A-Mom, come see how awesome I am.
E-We won't need to negotiate long if you just agree with me mom.
A-Can I just say, he's p*ssing me off!
M-I stand corrected.
E-Do you think if Nana asked God to rain fire down on someone He would do it?
E-Thanks for not making us eat what dad is having for dinner.
E-Mom-Dad, are you mind talking?
E-I think Grandad thinks I'm awesome.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Love the birthday cake and it looks like Michael liked it as well. What a great birthday surprise for him!

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas