Hint: We live in a 4bedroom house. We have bunkbeds and also 2queen beds.
You might have guessed, asleep in their respective bunks. Or you might have guessed one in his bunk and one in his other bed.
Let me check. Nope. Empty.
Here they are. A is asleep in his bed. The same bed he has slept in since before he was 3. He is not a problem. See that other sleeping prince? He's the problem. He is sleeping on the mattress from the top bunk....but on the floor beside the bottom bunk.
He used to sleep with his brother until A kicked him out. He used to sleep on the top bunk. He used to sleep in the bed in the other room. He would love to sleep in the parent bed. But truly he does surprisingly little sleeping wherever he starts the night.
(It is normal for him to wake 2-3 times/night. Often he has trouble falling back asleep. And he wakes for the day at a very early hour. )
All the more reason that this guy should already be asleep. He has to be up at 4:45a.m. to do an on-line class and he will most certainly be woken at least once tonight by E.
So go to bed!!
P.S. Anybody have any ideas about E's sleep disturbances?
And if you're about to suggest seperating the kid and adult bedrooms with a wall equipped with electric shock capability....don't. M already suggested it and it's not going to happen.