Friday, February 20, 2009

End of Trip

Here's what we did the last couple of days. Thursday-We went to the market and then back to the park. Friday-We went and visited some friends of Grmpy's and then up to the abandoned town. Then back to the pool for one last swim. On the way back from the abandoned town Grmpy blew his back tire and he and M got to change the tire on the road side. Exciting times.

The boys travelling in the back of the truck in the trailer park. On the way to the ghosttown.

Can't you just hear the cheesy Tombstone music?

It was pretty rustic in those days.

Not much was left of Grmpy's tire. The truck didn't swerve when it blew...just made a lot of noise.
Asleep on the couch. Playing with the animals in front of the trailer.
This is how pools should be. This pool is about 85degrees. Fabulous.


DOOR said...

Looks like a memorable family trip! sorry about adams hand! but again, a lasting memory! We are so proud of all of you after such a huge adjustment, and Johanna, i know how hard it is to be away from your mom right now, but She is glad you are there being the great mommy, and you and Mikey giving the boys such a great experience in the desert!

Jenn said...

What an amazing trip.

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas