Wednesday, May 05, 2010

More Stuff

Yesterday the boys made thank you cards for their bible study teachers was their last class.

Sometimes I am amazed we make it out the door in the a.m. Our schedule has been such that Wed. for the last few weeks have been crazy. Right to bible study in the in the van....straight to soccer until 3:00. The amount of stuff I have to get ready in the a.m. for this day out is bags....blah blah.
The dad of one of our players was at practice today and he took the lead.

You know I like to share my second-hand store finds....I bought this shirt and these two pair of shorts today. $5 each.

1 comment:

The Allen Family said...

It is so nice when a parent pitches in and helps....
The soccer Dad-helper looks like he is having fun... are the kids tossing soccer balls at him?

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas