Friday, September 12, 2008

House Stuff

This is a house issue I haven't found a solution for yet. At the top of the stairs is a landing between the back play room and the front kitchen/livingroom. We come in the house at this level when we use the elevator from the garage and all our shoes tend to collect there. Can anyone think of an attractive way to store the shoes? Something in keeping with the house and the colour of the wood floors.

I decided that the guest bathroom needed something of a theme for our guests. So in keeping with our location I decided to transform it into the WhteHouse bathroom. Over the potty-pics of past presidents.

Some decorative photos of the sights to be seen. Whtehouse towels of course and also a pail of whtehouse toiletries.


Anonymous said...

Hey, why didn't you think of that while we were there to enjoy it!

Why does Grampy Peter get all the high class amenities?


Liz & Jay

Anonymous said...

Cool idea for a guest bathroom. I like it!

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas