Friday, February 01, 2008

Tick Tock--Not That I'm Complaining

29 secs(intercede in fight)
4 secs(get up to find ball)
71 secs(Mom look at me)
44 secs(random question)
2 min44secs(attempt to get me to play)
20secs(random interruption)
1 min 58 secs(can I play Mario and I am thirsty)--the answer is no
8 secs(the other one:can I play Mario?)---the answer is no
36 secs(random interruption)
35 secs(mom look at me)
25 secs(mom look at my picture)
53 secs(mom look at me)
1 min24 secs(look at me from both of them)
30 secs(look at me)

So in 12 minutes......I had fourteen interruptions....I am trying to send pictures to my mother that I took at K's hockey game this morning. Because I am normally at the complete disposal of my boys and attentive to them they can't handle it when I sit down at the computer. So what should take a few minutes stretches out to's definitely Friday.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Just saw the pic's on Granny's blog. What great pictures. Those boys sure love their mommy. Have a great day!!

Update Dec2020

My Guy A My Guy E School Rooms at Home Deck the Halls It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas